2019 Huangshi Cihu International Half Marathon


          Since the successful hosting of the first Huangshi Cihu International Half Marathon in 2016, the Huangshi Marathon has consistently adhered to high-standard international operations, and has continuously polished and upgraded its innovations in terms of event quality, event organization, event promotion, and event services. One year One step, one fusion per year, won the bronze medal and silver medal of the Chinese Association of Tiantian respectively. Until 2018, it won the gold medal. The Huangshi Marathon also won the honorary title of "natural ecological characteristics event", as the highest level marathon in Hubei At the same time, it has become a classic marathon that is scarce in more than 1,000 marathons in the country every year.

      This marathon has invested a lot of manpower and materials to ensure the smooth running of the event. Including police personnel, security volunteers, in addition to medical rescue, competitions, reception services, transportation and other volunteers to provide security services for the competition.

       Although most of the participants are not professional athletes, they are just running enthusiasts and have not received professional training, but the emphasis is on participation. The marathon sports a spirit of sports that challenges oneself, surpasses the limit, perseveres, and never gives up. In other words, the spirit of marathon is the spirit of tenacious hard work, forge ahead, courage, and never stop.


+86 134 5104 8756
+86 180 6292 3557
+86 181 7194 3910

